Set up of research infrastructure for closed circles of water, nutrients and energy in the Portuguese agriculture



In all parts of the world, agriculture is facing severe challenges due to the effects of climate change, a growing population and digital transformation. New high-tech approaches are required to efficiently address e.g. the security of supply in terms of quantity and quality of food, the sustainability and environmental compatibility of farming, and the competitiveness of European farmers. Water availability plays a pivotal role in this context, which is closely connected to wastewater treatment and water recycling in all parts of society.

The project INICIO will permit the implementation and operationalization of the Fraunhofer Center for Smart Agriculture and Water Management (FhP-AWAM) that tackles these issues. The new center will focus on the development and application of new process technologies in coupled with comprehensive data analysis and -modelling, to close regional loops of nutrients, water and energy.

In the first phase of the project the IT and laboratory equipment, encompassing demonstrators of world-leading technologies will be specified, purchased, and installed to facilitate R&D work, which are the prerequisites for:

> Nationally and internationally recognized research and development activities

> Fast technology adaption and transfer to industry

> Attracting excellently educated and motivated personnel

> Ensuring attractivity of hands-on experience in university education.

The installation of the technology demonstrators represents the starting point of the respective capability demonstration experiments which will be pursued in the second phase of the project and will allow achieving the following operational objectives:

> Obtaining initial scientific results with the newly established research infrastructure

> Demonstrating the center’s functionalities and capabilities

> Promoting visibility of FhP-AWAM’s technologies at national and international levels

> Learning about in-depth needs and demands of users, extending the network of FhP-AWAM and thereby pursue follow-up projects.


Consult the project's Spec Sheet here:



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